iPhone SE 2020 First Look: Not Just an iPhone 8 with iPhone 11 Brains

a follow up to 2016 iPhone se has been reported for years as well as it'' s finally here kind of it bears the icy name yet it appears like an iPhone 8 as well as the spec sheet checks out like an iPhone 11 hey Siri what the hell is this thing wait put on'' t solution'that we ' ve obtained x-rays from imaginative electron and they'' re currently showing us something new we'' re seeing some refined adjustments to the antenna hardware it might look i phone a dish externally however you can'' t obtain gigabit LTE and Wi-Fi 6 with apple iphone 8 components customers maintain calling this apart spin phone and also that may be partially real however perhaps there'' s more to it than everybody assumed allow'' s pop it open for a fast very first look and also explore some even more simply a little warmth as well as a nice clock gets the apple iphone as well as C open and certainly it'' s an iPhone rinse and repeat with the apple iphone 8 and also we can see we'' re taking care of the exact same display screen cable television design three cable televisions run in between the display screen setting up as well as the apples iphone reasoning board hiding under some glossy steel brackets as a matter of fact a side-by-side comparison discloses that these phones are practically identical down to the layout of chips on the logic board so what makes the apple iphone se various from the apple iphone 8 well our very first distinction appears underneath the battery connector wire while the battery is the same through the apple iphone 8 when it concerns specifications 6 factor 9 6 watt hours Apple has actually redesigned the adapter on the apple iphone se to be just a little longer than the 8 making it difficult to link an S II battery to an 8 or vice-versa this brand-new port is the exact same one discovered in the apple iphone 11 it'' s feasible that this brand-new adapter enables the battery to report even more thorough usage information but it'' s similarly feasible that it was just what Apple had on hand considering that more apple iphone Elevens are being produced now than older apple iphone help with all the visual similarities we wondered if Apple was utilizing the same screen component as the iPhone 8 Apple removed 3d touch with the launch of the apple iphone 11 so it'' s no surprise that this 20/20 iPhone se doesn'' t have it nobody but Apple truly knows why 3d touch bit the dirt however some speculate that its elimination was to develop even more room for a larger battery the S II battery has the same capability as the 8 though so could this screen privately have 3d touch capacities simply impaired in software program both the screen on the apple iphone 8 and also the brand-new se are safeguarded with a lots of little white three-way absolutely no screws as well as our preliminary components testing revealed that both presents job in both phones though naturally we lose true tone and also some various other functionality rumors recommended that this brand-new se II may have the exact same cam as the apple iphone 10 R yet the cam module looks a great deal a lot more similar to the apple iphone 8 they'' re even interchangeable the iPhone se electronic camera module functions in the iPhone 8 and vice versa that doesn'' t necessarily indicate they ' re identical though catch our full teardown next week where we'' ll dissect the cam components explore screens and dive deeper into parts compatibility in the meantime expect our written teardown on Monday and if you'' re in the US or Canada get thrilled we'' re distributing an iPhone se that'' s right a new one not one we'' ve already uncoupled I guarantee all you have to provide for a chance to win is take our test and answer the concerns correctly we'' ll have a web link to it in the summary listed below and as constantly provide this video clip a thumbs up if you liked it and also let us recognize if there'' s anything else you'' d like us to investigate for the full teardown

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